
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Hello dear Scrappy, Crafty, and Bloggy friends!!
Boy I have missed you so much!
I just wanted to update you all on my shattered femur.

I went to the hospital as planned for my surgery on November 7th.
Seemed like everything would be great, however during the harvesting of the bone graft, on my right hip, my blood pressure dropped and I was having troubles breathing so the surgery was stopped and I was brought back and stabilized.
I was admitted immediately and found out that I had fluid in my lungs.
One week of antibiotics and plenty of pain meds, they continued the surgery. This time they were able to go in and complete the bone grafting, using cadaver bone cells and bone marrow. I spent another week in the hospital recovering and after learning how to walk with the walker I was released to go home. I can not wait until I can walk, without help, again!
I am now home with my awesome family, sleeping in my own bed, and eating my hubby's cooked meals and couldn't ask for a better Thanksgiving gift!
I hope to be back in action soon. So please drop me a line and check back soon. When I am feeling a bit better I will be back to my my crafting!!! YAY!
Thanks so much for all your well wishes and prayers. I am very Thankful to have you all in my life!


  1. wow... what an ordeal!! I hope you are feeling better and wishing you a super quick recovery!!!


  2. OMG! I have really been out of touch with blogging.. I didn't even know you had been in the hospital. I am so glad to hear that everything went O.K and you are back home where you should be. Sounds like you went through a lot but you made it home in time for the hoilday Seasons. Please keep up informed with your progress, and heres to a speedy recovery. Before you know it you will be doing races with the Seniors and your walker!

  3. So glad you're on the mend and back home. Looks like it's going to be a long recovery but I'm sure you're happy the worst if behind you. Enjoy being at home with all your loved ones!

  4. Glad you are home and wishing you a speedy recovery Connie.
    Jayne x
