
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Throwback Thursdays & Winners

Welcome to Throwback Thursdays!

A new kind of fun on my blog where you get to see projects I have created in my early days of scrapbooking. Some of these projects may surprise you! (Because we all start somewhere!) LOL!

Before I post the throwback, let's talk about our winners for my April Challenge and the Bling Blog Hop this past weekend!! Wohooo!
First up the April Challenge Winner is
True Random Number Generator 8
Congrats Jenny!
Next up is my winner from the Bling Blog Hop
True Random Number Generator 13
Congrats to you too!
This week for my throwback I am pulling out the BIG BOY!
That's right, the 12x15 album I started years ago to showcase my 10x13 and 8x10 photos that are no longer on my walls in frames.
Check out this beauty!! LOL!
Can you believe these t-shirts were my hubby's idea? He wanted to make matching shirts for Father's Day so we did! I loved them!! We were so cute!

I hope that you have enjoyed my project as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you. I love receiving comments and new followers. It means so much to me! So please feel free to drop me a note and follow my blog for more inspiration, giveaways, and tips.
Happy Crafting and Scrappy Hugs!
Don't forget to enter my new
Connie Can Crop Challenge #10
I have an amazing sponsor this month!!


  1. Whoo Hoo! I can't believe I won, I am so excited, doing the happy dance. Thank you so much!

  2. The shirts are super! Hope you will stop by and link up at Craftin Desert Divas “Pun” Linky Party.

    Craftin Desert Diva's

  3. what a kick!!! I'll bet you had a ball making those tees! What a happy photo!

  4. The shirts are great! What great memories :)
