
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Throwback Thursdays

Welcome to Throwback Thursdays!
A new kind of fun on my blog where you get to see projects I have created in my early days of scrapbooking. Some of these projects may surprise you! (Because we all start somewhere!) LOL!
I hope you get a kick out of seeing the progression in my work, I know I do!
So without further ado...I would like to start with one of my first layouts ever uploaded on my blog.
This was originally posted January 4, 2009.
Now I am a paper scrapper for the most part. And I know what you are thinking...that this layout is pretty nice for a first posting. Well yes it is, but not because of me. LOL! This was created using a digital kit from StorytellersClub's Digital Express Site. Their digital kits make layouts so easy to create!
Hope you enjoyed this quick flashback! Stay tuned next week where I go really retro!! LOL!
Thanks so much for joining me today!
I hope that you have enjoyed my project as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you. I love receiving comments and new followers. It means so much to me! So please feel free to drop me a note and follow my blog for more inspiration, giveaways, and tips.

Scrappy Hugs! Don't forget to enter my new Monthly Challenge #9 Fun Puns.


  1. Love the idea of throwback Thursday! And you 2009 lo looks great!
    Blogging It FOrward

  2. Loving the layout..... thanks for sharing.... xo

  3. Love your page . What a great idea. I just love the throwback idea. found your page through blogging it forward group. new follower. Blessing Linda.

  4. Great layout! Love the colors:) Thanks for sharing.
    Blogging it forward group.
