
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tweet Tweet You're Sweet

Hello fellow Lovebugs!!
here with a new project to share using my favorite LoveBug Creations Products!!
Thursday is my new day to post for LBC so be on the lookout every week for something new!!

I have tons of Birthdays to celebrate this month so what better way to show you care than with some LoveBug's Mama Mesh and Simply Sheer Ribbon!! Check out this fun little card! It's for the birds!!

I love adding layers of LoveBug goodness on top of each other. It really pops!

I can't thank you enough for checking out my project. It means the world to me and I hope you truly enjoyed it. May it inspire you to create something wonderful!  

Did you see my new challenge? It's a fun one!! Be sure to come check it out.
My fabulous Sponsor this month is
My Craft Spot
Scrappy hugs!!


  1. Cute chick from a soon-to-have b-day sweet chick - love your project!!

  2. This is so cute Connie! Love the added mesh!

  3. How stinkin' cute!!! I adore this!!!!! The Simply Sheer/ Mama's Mesh combo is genius!!!! ♥

    Bug hugs,

  4. I love the chipper bird..and the yellow dot on the ribbon embellie is smart!
